Category Archives: Libations & All Things Foodie

Find the Perfect Gift at Art on the Avenue!

If you just can’t get that perfect accessory or tasty treat out of your mind, this is a good time to visit your favorite artist at Art on the Avenue/Farmer’s Market.

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Shopping on Art on the Avenue

The growing season is early in Arizona, and most of our artists take advantage of market opportunities in the cooler climes during the summer.

The last day of the Art on the Avenue will be April 13th , then the Market will close until October. Make sure to visit the Last Chance Sell at the Market, where all the artisans will be having an end of the season sale on their jewelry, and paintings.

So call a friend to join you for the breakfast, lunch or happy hour on the Avenue, and buy that necklace—you deserve it! And as always, when you are on the Avenue, we love to have you drop by Sonoran Lifestyle Real Estate and show us your treasures.

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